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10 mars 2014

Heaven or Hell (where the Losses of Humanity stand ...)

Wake up ...
To a darkness so dark, there's no shade of sun.
To a coldness so cold, there's no shade of warm.
To an emptiness so empty, there's nothing here.

Nothing, but the torment of men.
Seven sins so human ...

Selfishness & success

Sex & perversion

Money & goods

Desire & jealousy

Hatred & revenge

Chill & sleep

Buffet & appetite

And no prayers.
And no sacrifices.
And no redemptions.
Because there's no faith no more.

Once you're there, you'll never escape.
Once you're there, you'll always roam.
Once you're there, they'll forever mock you.

They ?
Great Kings of the Seven Sins,
Great Lords of the Seven Vices,
The lustrous Gods of Hell.
They - who brought you misery.
They - who brought you sorrow.
They - who brought you suffering.
While you followed the orders of the corrupted,
Nurturing your unconsciousness of EVIL.

Beware, weak subjects !
Don't entertain the darkness' essence
In your faithful spirits.
Don't speak the evil's psalms
In your faithful mouths.

Stay true to the Higher Grace,
His son - the Christ
And the devoted Virgin Mary.
For every GOOD exists,
If only one can afford to see it !

Courtesy of Marcus Allen Steele

1 commentaire:

  1. Vraiment superbe comme texte, j'ai eu quelques pb par moments vu mon misérable niveau d'anglais.
    Bonne continuation Kath, et au fait à quand la publication d'un livre ??
